The American Pit Bull is a medium-sized dog with a large wedge-shaped head and athletic, muscular body. Its body is slightly longer than its tall.
Life Expectancy: 8 – 15 years
Height: 16-19″ at the shoulder for females and 17-20″ at the shoulder for males, though there is no penalty for height above or below the standard as long as it’s proportionate to body size.
Weight: 35-55 lbs for females and 45-65 lbs for males, though there is no penalty for weight above the standard as long as it’s proportionate to body size.
Coat & Color: The coat is short and smooth, not curly, wavy, or long. Any color and pattern is accepted except for merle and ablino (white with pink/red eyes).
Head: Large and broad with pronounced, muscular cheeks. It should be flat on top and wide between the ears, tapering to the muzzle giving it a wedge shape. There is a distinct, deep stop. Skin is tight-fitting and free from wrinkles.
Ears: Set high, either cropped or natural. Rose or half-prick ears accepted. Prick or flat ears not desired.
Muzzle: Broad and deep. Length should be one-quarter to one-third the length of the entire head. Neither over or under-bite should be pronounced.
Eyes: Wide set, of round or almond shape, set deep, and of medium size. Any color is acceptable except albinism (pink to red). Blue is undesirable. Bulging or protruding eyes are a disqualifying fault.
Nose: All colors/pigments are acceptable except light pink. Large with nostrils wide and open without flaring.
Neck: Medium length, muscular, and slightly arched. The neck should taper gradually from the shoulders to back of skull. Skin should be tight.
Chest: Deep and moderately wide, but never wider than deep.
Shoulders: Wide with excellent muscle definition. The upper arm (humerus) is approximately equal to the length of the shoulder blade (scapula) and joined at an approximate right angle.
Legs: Forelegs and hind legs should be wide set and straight with well-defined muscle. Elbows should not turn in or out and should be relatively close to the body. Hind legs should be slightly less wide than the shoulders.
Gait: Movement is effortless, smooth, powerful, and well-coordinated. All legs move parallel to the direction of travel with front legs clearly reaching and the rear legs propelling the dog forward. Single tracking at high speed is desirable. When in motion, the topline should remain level. Dog’s legs should not cross.
Feet: Moderate sized, well arched, tight, and rounded. When viewed from the front, they are straight. The feet should not be splayed.
Tail: Natural tail set low, thick at the base, and tapers to a point. When relaxed, the tail should extend approximately to the hocks. Tail should be free of any curvature, kinks, and knots. Docked tails are a disqualifying fault.
Temperament: Disposition should exhibit confidence and willingness to please. Should not be overly aggressive or excessively shy.