The English Bulldog is a medium-sized dog with a thick wide-shouldered body and a short, broad head proportionate to body size. Compact, yet powerful, this breed appears fit and athletic. Its demeanor is friendly and easy-going.
Life Expectancy: 8 – 10 years
Height: 12-16″ at the shoulder for males and females.
Weight: 40 lbs for females and 50 for males.
Coat & Color: The coat is short and smooth. Any color is accepted.
Head: When viewed from the from, the head is broad and square. When viewed from the side it appears high and short from the point of the nose to occiput (back of head). Circumference at least equal to the dog’s height at the shoulder. The forehead should be flat, and there is a deep stop, wide between the eyes.
Ears: Rose and set high, not buttoned or cropped.
Muzzle: Broad, short, turned upward, and very deep from the corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth.
Eyes: Wide set and round of moderate size. Any color is acceptable. Bulging or sunken eyes are a disqualifying fault.
Nose: All colors/pigments are acceptable except light pink. The nose should be wide and its tip set back deeply between the eyes. The distance from bottom of stop to tip of the nose should be as short as possible and not exceed the length from the tip of nose to the edge of underlip. Nostrils should be wide and open with a well-defined line between them.
Neck: Short, broad, muscular, and well arched at the back.
Chest: Deep and moderately wide and well filled in.
Shoulders: Widespread and slanting outward with excellent muscle definition.
Legs: Forelegs should be short, wide set, and well-muscled. Hind legs are slightly longer than forelegs. Elbows should be low and stand well out and loose from the body.
Gait: Movement is loose-jointed with a rolling and shuffling motion.
Feet: Moderate sized, compact, and firmly set. Front feet may be straight or slightly turned out. Toes are compact, well split up, with high knuckles and very short, stubby nails.
Tail: Short, hung low, and either straight or “screwed”, but never curved or curly.
Temperament: Disposition should be easygoing and courageous but not vicious.